Law Office of George J. Costopoulos


grayscale photo of man riding atv on snow covered field

If you have been injured in an ATV accident, contact us today for help

All Terrain Vehicles (ATVs) do not offer the same physical protection as cars and trucks.  As a result, ATV riders and passengers who get into accidents often suffer serious injuries or the loss of life.  

If you have been injured or lost a loved one in an ATV accident accident due to the fault of another, the law allows for monetary compensation including medical expenses, permanent injuries, pain and suffering or wrongful death damages.  Because of the complexities involved in these cases, it is wise to consult with a personal injury lawyer at the earliest possible opportunity.

The Law Office of George J. Costopoulos possesses the specialized skill, knowledge and experience these cases require, and we welcome the opportunity to provide a free consultation if you or a loved one have been injured in an ATV accident.

As with all personal injury cases, we represent ATV accident victims on a contingency fee basis, meaning our clients pay nothing for our legal services unless we achieve compensation on their behalf.